Positioned For Exponential Growth
Growing climate change concerns and increased energy consumption demands around the globe have thrust the importance of renewable energy sources into the spotlight. Phoenix Group of Companies is in the final stage of alternative energy innovation—we are well-positioned to provide exceptional resources, tools, and market insights that assist our clients in navigating an ever-evolving renewable energy project landscape.

Fossil fuels
High-carbon energy sources still dominate the lion’s share of the market

Restrictive policies
Federal legislation might limit or prohibit the promotion of low-carbon energy resources

Wind and solar power remain unreliable and intermittent sources, despite being low cost

Global urbanization
Burgeoning urban populations are shifting the demand for viable renewable energy sources
Renewable Energy
While incumbent industry players may be able to withstand the fluctuations of a currently shifting market, emerging renewable energy companies—with the largest being solar, wind, and hydropower production—need to find reliable, trustworthy sources of information and onsite support for their new projects and innovations. From inception, PGC has been at the forefront of progress in an industry slow to adapt, making us an ideal partner for savvy project owners seeking professional services.
Key Value
As the race heats up to discover high-value, low-cost renewable energy sources, PGC remains well-poised to offer targeted range of support services and expert engagement with key Indigenous partners for companies that have an eye on the future of resource and energy management and a keen understanding of the value of these partnerships.

Benefits We Have Provided
- Lower carbon footprint
- Better brand recognition
- Cutting-edge resource research
- Key environmental partnerships
- Mature insights for emerging market
- Reputable project management
Recent Projects
Need Help?
Around one-fifth of the global energy supply comes from renewable energy—wind, solar, hydro, and geothermal—with this market expected to grow by 2.6% every year until 2040.